Friday, February 12, 2010

Potty Training

Hmmm...I don't know where he got the idea of using his "laptop" on the toilet. Crazy kid!

I have been dreading potty training for a long time. I had visions of wet carpet, really dirty underwear, and pulling my hair out from frustration yet trying to smile the whole time. I even bought a book on potty training that I have yet to read. I have to say it isn't as bad as I had thought. Here are some lessons learned in potty training.

  • While getting potty stuff (seat, undies, wipes, etc) when Brendan turned 2 and having those things around for him to get used to was a good idea, waiting until he was 3 to actually start potty training was the best decision I could have made.
  • Buying that complex Dora sticker chart was a waste of money. Brendan didn't need 7 stickers each time he went on the potty (one for pulling down pants, flushing, washing hands, you get the idea as to why there were so many stickers for ONE visit to the potty). One Valentine conversation heart made him just as happy and was just as effective.
  • Don't underestimate the value of character underwear. Brendan LOVES Thomas and is excited to wear those babies everyday.
  • Public restrooms are really gross and should be avoided at all cost.
  • Portable Clorox wipes and just about any other type of sanitizing wipe is a must for the above mentioned problem. I need to invest in some more potty stuff apparently.
  • Potty parties at Chuck E. Cheese seem to be a really good incentive.
  • Kids don't pee constantly as I was afraid of. They can go for a while before using the potty so no stress there!
We're not totally there yet, but Brendan's made some great progress. I've heard this can take a while and my goal is for Brendan to be completely done with this by August. That's when he'll hopefully be starting at this school. Sometimes I catch myself in a panic mode when I think about Brendan being in school!!! On one hand I've been waiting for this and on the other I can't believe he's that big. What will I be like when he goes to kindergarten!!! Sniff, sniff.

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