Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

On Monday Brendan and I met up with my friend Liz and her kids at the park. It is just starting to get hot here (thank goodness we've held out this long), so after about an hour we were done.
Brendan had a lot of fun playing with Adam. He's got a thing for horses right now so this toy was perfect for him to play on.
Two crazy boys having fun. Brendan's cheeks were bright red when we left. It must have been from all the running around in the field. Good thing we left when we did.

Later in the evening Justin, Brendan, and I went to the Southern Highlands Memorial Day Celebration. There were TONS of people there. I had no idea it would be sooooo crowded. There were some fun things for kids to do, but the lines were like being at Disneyland! So Brendan took two trips through the water slides, got a snow cone, balloon animal and that was it! We waited in line a while for that darn balloon animal that popped later in the evening and caused some serious tears. I did, however, meet a very nice mom and her daughter who will be going to my new school in the fall. It's really fun to be part of this community now. By the time we had finished doing all of that we had just enough time to grab some food and sit down to eat while the fireworks were going off.

This picture shows just a small part of how many people were there. Justin estimated between 4,000-5, 000!
Those are our HOA fees high in the sky. Pretty, huh?
Me and my ragamuffin little boy. Yes, we both look a little worse for wear but we certainly had fun!

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